Tuesday, October 29, 2013

framework hell

In most cases setting test for a project end up quite quick, unit test classes have "Test" suffix, while integration tests have "IT" suffix.

But that's easy...

Today we'll show you how to use Java with JUnit, TestNG and Groovy with Spock tightly coupled with Maven within one project/module.

You may ask WHY??


Why doing it the easy way when hard way is more fun !!!!!!!

First we need to distinguish tests on language level.
Easiest way is to keep them in dedicated folders


Now we need to distinguish tests by level and framework, best way is to do this by using suffixes and prefixes on classes.

Since Spock tests are handled by JUnit runner class you can treat those equally. What more... dividing tests based on framework will be done on Maven level so all we need to do is distinguish tests based on when they should be triggered within maven build lifecycle. Personally I like below convention.

SampleClassNameTest.java   <-Java Unit Tests
SampleClassNameIT.java     <-Java Integration Tests
SampleClassNameTest.groovy <-Groovy Unit Tests
SampleClassNameSpec.groovy <-Groovy Integration Tests

Be careful with class names, since Groovy classes are compiled to same .class as Java classes and land in the same target location make sure you don't have same classes in Java and Groovy locations (if they are in different packages then it's fine). But most of IDE's will prompt you if such situation occurs. 

And now last and simplest part of this setup... pom.xml

Hah, just kidding, this is the most tricky part.
But this will come in separate post in a few days.

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