Sunday, December 1, 2013

framework Hell #1.6

As I promised this post will show basic, maybe not simplest but definitely most effective setup of both Cucumber and JBehave, which you can in most cases copy-paste into your project.

Project structure was published in last post.
Now for class implementation.

Cucumber first.
This is the simplest ever setup. Of course it won't be the simplest one, required to run Cucumber, but this one allows you to define which steps file can be used with desired feature file.

package cucumber.unit;

import cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class CucumberUnitTest {

And now few words of explanation:
tells JUnit which class should be used to run Cucumber tests, so it's mandatory

tells Cucumber where features are located, I'm precisely pointing file, but location is also fine

tells Cucumber where to look for classes with steps definitions/implementation

tells Cucumber how it should behave, what should it do before tests, during them, and after. You can specify how report should look like, and more. In minimal setup you don't need this annotation at all.

With JBehave it's a bit more code.

public class JBehaveUnitTest extends JUnitStories {
    private Configuration configuration;
    public JBehaveUnitTest() {
        configuration = new Configuration() {

        configuration.useFailureStrategy(new RethrowingFailure());
        configuration.useKeywords( new LocalizedKeywords( Locale.ENGLISH ) );
        configuration.usePathCalculator( new AbsolutePathCalculator() );
        configuration.useParameterControls( new ParameterControls() );
        configuration.useParameterConverters( new ParameterConverters() );
        configuration.useParanamer( new NullParanamer() );
        configuration.usePendingStepStrategy( new PassingUponPendingStep() );
        configuration.useStepCollector(new MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending());
        configuration.useStepdocReporter(new PrintStreamStepdocReporter());
        configuration.useStepFinder(new StepFinder());
        configuration.useStepMonitor(new SilentStepMonitor());
                .useStepPatternParser(new RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser());
        configuration.useStoryControls(new StoryControls());
        configuration.useStoryLoader(new LoadFromClasspath());
        configuration.useStoryParser(new RegexStoryParser(configuration
        configuration.useStoryPathResolver(new UnderscoredCamelCaseResolver());
        configuration.useStoryReporterBuilder(new StoryReporterBuilder());
        configuration.useViewGenerator(new FreemarkerViewGenerator());

        EmbedderControls embedderControls = configuredEmbedder()

    public Configuration configuration() {
        return configuration;

    public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() {
        return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), new JBehaveUnitTestSteps());
    protected List storyPaths() {
        return Arrays.asList( "jbehave/UnitTests.story" );

Again few words of explanation (I've skipped 99,9% of lines...):
tells JUnit which class should be used to run JBehave tests, so it's mandatory

    protected List storyPaths() {
        return Arrays.asList( "jbehave/UnitTests.story" );
tells JBehave which story files should be used in this test phase.

And that's basically all for Cucumber and JBehave setup. Sure there is still some customization within pom.xml file... but this will come... hopefully soon.

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